Ortho Patients Now Required to Wear Face Masks While in Office
Per the Executive Order of Governor Cooper on June 24, effective Friday, June 26 at 5:00 pm, all Prettyman Orthodontics patients and parent/guardian will be required to wear masks upon entering our offices through Friday, July 17.
When the patient is in the dental chair and receiving dental services wearing of a mask will not be feasible. However, while the patient is waiting for the doctor to enter the operatory, Prettyman Ortho will require all patients to wear a mask (or face covering) until treatment begins.
Details for Prettyman Ortho Patients Requiring Face Masks:
Who? All Prettyman Ortho patients who have appointments beginning Monday, June 29th
What? Patients will be required to wear a face mask upon entering our offices
When? Effective Monday, June 29th through July 17th
Where? All Prettyman Ortho offices
Why? For the safety of Prettyman Ortho employees and other patients being treated in our offices; and, to be in compliance with the NC “Safer at Home” Phase II announcement as of June 24th (Executive Order No. 147)
New Guidelines for Prettyman Orthodontics Patients
Effective May 13, 2020, Prettyman Orthodontics will return to business operations. Due to COVID-19, several of our policies and procedures will change to keep our patients and team safe.
Patient illness & rescheduling:
If the patient has had a fever of greater than 100.4 in last 24 – 48 hours, has a severe cough, been in contact with someone with flu-like symptoms or feels worn down, the patient will be required to reschedule their appointment.
Virtual Reception Area & Check-In:
We are limiting the number of patients in the office at one time. Upon arrival to the office on appointment day, we ask that you remain in your car and text the patient’s name to us. We will text you when we are ready for the patient, and one parent or guardian, to enter our office’s reception area.
- Any additional non-patients will be required to wait outside of the facility.
- Our reception area will no longer offer magazines (or iPads, where applicable) as we are actively reducing the number of surfaces patients can touch.
- Chairs in the reception area will be spaced 6 feet apart to allow for social distancing.
Patient Precautions:
- We request that all patients, and the one accompanying parent/guardian, to bring and wear a mask or face covering.
- Upon entering our office, you will be asked to wash your hands.
- During your appointment, you will be asked to remain seated with your hands placed under your thighs.
- Upon exiting the treatment room, you will again be asked to wash your hands prior to checking out at front desk.
Patient Screening:
- At check-in, patient or their parent/guardian will be asked questions to fill out a screening and consent form.
- Patient will have their temperature taken prior to treatment
Toothbrush Station Closed:
- Patients will not be permitted to use the toothbrush station in the office. Please have the patient brush their teeth prior to their appointment.